Sunday, September 25, 2011


Well we are a few weeks into Fall semester and let me tell you, it has been interesting. Both Andrew and I have been super busy with classes and homework and work that its sometimes hard to come up with time to do things together. We usually end up just watching movies or something but it results in us staying up later than we probably should. :) We are enjoying our time as we go through the semester but there are good moments and bad. I especially get frustrated with the amount of homework that I have because it's normally twice as much as Andrew's. Needless to say, I think we are both ready for a break... again.
Andrew and I are also teaching sunday school, which has been a great learning experience for us both. I think we work pretty well together as teachers, but we also learn just as much (if not more) than those we are teaching. The funny thing is that we are teaching the marriage and family relations class to couples who have been married for at least a year. I definitely feel inadequate sometimes but then I remember that there is a reason that I was called to do this and I try to learn as much as I can.
Andrew and I still love our apartment and have fun being in Rexburg.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Back to the Burg

The wedding was everything that I wanted it to be. The honeymoon was great- great weather, great place, great fun. But now we are back in reality. Andrew and I have moved into our new apartment and we absolutely love it. It is the perfect size for us and all our stuff. :) Rexburg was really beautiful for the first week we were back. Warm weather greeted us as we moved in and got settled, but now it is getting a little bit colder as fall is coming (and shortly after winter will come). We love the new ward that we are in and we were both called to teach Sunday school (thanks to the sunday school president being one of Andrew's friends from his mission). We are excited to begin teaching.
Andrew has been working a lot since we've moved in which we are glad for the opportunity to make money so that we can pay rent. :) I'll start working on the 10th and then work through the whole semester. We are ready for school to start but at the same time we don't want it to start cause it comes with stress. I like to think that it won't be too bad though.
I'll post some pictures of the apartment soon!