Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just a quick update :)

Well, I probably don't need to tell everyone but INVITATIONS ARE OUT!!!!!! I am so glad that I didn't hand address all 300+ of them. I think that was the last big thing that I had to do for the wedding planning. There are still some little things left to do but that's just the little stuff so no sweat :) I can't believe how fast time is moving. There is a little over a month left until Andrew and my wedding.... I definitely wouldn't recommend taking 15 credits of upper level classes while planning a wedding but I can tell you that I'm glad I did. I'm sure that is the only reason that time is moving so quickly. I feel like those last few weeks leading up to the wedding are going to drag on because I won't be in school and won't be working and there won't be anything left for me to do for the wedding. It's a great feeling though, knowing that I will be able to relax a bit before the whole wedding day :) 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Temple View.... again

So........ We found out today that we aren't going to be in the brand new building but in the one that is already there.... (the second picture in the previous post).  I think it's because they're actually not going to done by the time we need to move in but Andrew doesn't agree :)
We are still really excited about these apartments because they are so nice.

Wedding plans are coming along rather nicely :) There isn't too much left that we have to do and we will be sending out invitations really soon! Yay!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Temple View

So Andrew and I have found where we are going to live! We are really excited about the apartment. It will be just the right size for us and comes fully furnished (YES!). The absolute best part though (in my opinion) is that the apartment we move into is going to be new! We will be the first people to live in them :)

This is the building we will live in... It's not quite done yet

This is what it will look like when it is all done. There are some great people that live here and we are hoping that they won't split the ward cause then we would be sad.