Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thankful for...

November 8, 2011- Day 8:
Today I am thankful for the job that I have. It is great working on campus and I love the people that I work with. We all have so much fun all of the time. Another bonus is that I don't have to work many hours, which gives me the time to keep up on my homework. It really is a blessing.

November 9, 2011- Day 9:
Today I am so thankful that Andrew doesn't have to work in Idaho Falls anymore. He recently quit his job at Downeast. The hours that he was working were taking away from the time he had to do homework or take tests or study.... And I never got to see him. He didn't work too many days but his hours were kinda long and he worked on Saturday (which is pretty much the only free day we have to be together). It was hard for both of us. He left on really good terms with the company and his manager so if later on he decides he wants to go back, he could. But for now he isn't working.
Andrew did get a job that starts in January though. It was a blessing that he got the job that he did because there is a rule on campus that spouses can't work in the same office or under the same boss. And Andrew's job is in an office that corresponds with the one I work in and his boss is technically my bosses boss. It worked out nicely! But he will be working mornings a few times a week and its gonna be great!

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