Sunday, November 13, 2011

Today is a day for gratitude!

November 12, 2011- Day 12:
Today marks the day of being with Andrew for one whole year... Well being together :) It was a spectacular day. We got to sleep in and then I studied a bit for a chemistry test, which I did relatively well on. And once I was done with my test, Andrew and I went to Idaho Falls to get some stuff with a couple gift cards and to spend some of his birthday money. So today, I am thankful for  the afternoon and evening that I got to spend with my husband... It was one of our first Saturdays of the semester when he wasn't gone at work and boy was it WONDERFUL! I absolutely loved spending time with him and not having anything that we had to get done. It was a great day! I love my husband so much!

November 13, 2011- Day 13:
Today I am thankful for one of the simplest things ever and that is Chocolate milk! I love that stuff so much. I don't really drink chocolate milk... its more like I inhale/gulp it! I would even venture to say it is my favorite drink and just because it is SO good! It is really my nephew Parks' fault for getting me hooked on chocolate milk. I honestly hadn't thought of how good chocolate milk was until the time we got to spend in California around Parks, who would always tell Nicole (his mom) that he wanted his chocolate milk. And that's when it hit me! I was seriously missing out on something so yummy! I know it sounds kinda lame but chocolate milk seriously makes me feel better and makes me happy. And for anyone looking for an "energy" drink, it has been proven in a study done for (possibly by) the army that chocolate milk is the best energy drink because it supplies your body with things that your body uses most for energy. (something I learned this semester- YAY!)

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